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New Skin Peels

Professional Grade Peels

Regardless of the type of chemical skin peel and its concentration, the following information is very important when using chemical peels:

  • Stop using any products that will cause exfoliation 5 days prior to applying chemical peels such as scrubs, acne creams, astringents and other exfoliants.
  • Perform a skin test first. The skin closest to the area you want to peel is preferrable. For example, apply the peel behind the ear for a facial peel.
  • Use the product only as instructed. Keep away from children and do not ingest. Do not applyit near mucous membranes ( eyes, nose etc).
  • Avoid washing your face for 24hours after the last application.
  • Burning and Stinging sensation are only normal during application of any chemical peel. This is normal and expected. If you think that the pain and burning sensation are unbearable, apply the neutralizer immediately and wash your face with cool water.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun at all times especially during peeling. Wear sunscreen of 50SPF if sun exposure is inevitable and a hat when outdoors.
  • Peeling completes within 5 to 7 days after the first peeling occurs. The first peeling usually occurs 3 days after your last application. It is only normal that your face will feel thick, dry and will crumple as the dead skin at the surface is about to peel and has lost its elasticity. It may also be red and brown.
  • Never scrub your face or remove the dead skin from your face. This could lead to irritation and even scarring. Let it fall on its own.
  • Never use another chemical peel too soon. We understand that the effect of our product is addictive as it improves your skin texture and complexion dramatically, however, you should wait atleast a month before using a different peel.

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